Mommy, I thought about you so much today. From the simpliest tasks, something would strike me that reminded me of you. Whether it was a voice on the phone, the kindness of a friend, or just the simple pleasures of driving around with you. I'm lost with out you. So is Daddy. He needs your presence more than anyone else. I know you must be happy to see how close we've become, I know it's something you always said you wanted. I love you mommy, I miss you, and I just want Christmas to be over with. I went to the prayer house today. I feel like I've lost my faith a little bit, mommy. I know he took you because we couldn't make you better. But why did you have to suffer in the first place??? Why couldn't he cure you instead of making you suffer the way you did?? Why did he have to choose you??? Mommy I'm not angry you're gone. I'm angry that I couldn't make you stay. I'm hurt and heartbroken without you, but I'm happy and satisfied knowing your not suffering and not in pain and in peace. I'll talk to you later... Love you mommy, yesterday, today, tomorrow, always...